
Bus stops walkability

  Introduction  Eau Claire or Altoona resident, "My car broke down! I guess I will have to ride the bus to get to work. How close is it to the bus stop?"  If this is you, first I hope you get your car back, if not still read along.  Methodology  In this project, the goal was to see what parts of Eau Claire and Altoona's residents live within 400 meters of a bus stop. The map was made using bus stop points from the  Eau Claire Transit website . Some of the bus stops were left out because of the duplication of similar routes. Other routes were not included as the routes were not confirmed as of press time. The map was made in ArcPro using a 400-meter buffer for the bus stop.   Results This map shows what parts of Eau Claire and Altoona residents are within 400 meters of a bus stop.  Discussion With Eau Claire's population of 70 thousand and Altoona's population of 8 thousand, the cities combined have an impressive system. For our resident at th...